Malli oli helposti muistettava ja helppo neuloa ja joo, OON mä ylpeä tästä!
Eli kuvia.... joista osa on epätarkkoja, mutta itsen kuvaaminen on edelleen erittäin hankalaa ja suosiollisesti avustava henkilökunta on kortilla, eli esikoinen räpsi muutaman ja sitte hälle riitti...
When you knit and knit it comes to the end... It's the biggest shawl I've made this far. I casted on 6th of February and finished 3rd of March. I made those owl mittens in between, but after all it took quite long. This is the first touch for me with Wollmeise yarns. This is made of DK and it's ok yarn for me, not favourite, but okay. The strcuture is dense in this yarn and my shawl weighs 16.4 oz! That means 1067 yards yarn. It's big, almost huge, but I am too (5.89 ft)... That's why I decided in the beginning that I'll make it bigger than the pattern is. So I made 3+3 increasing/decreasing repeats and 1 extra in the middle, that's 7 cabernet cable repeat more than in pattern.
The pattern was easily memorable and easy to knit and yeah, I AM proud of this!
So, off to the pics... Some are blurry, I do not have very helpful people around and photoshooting self is still hard. My older daughter too few pics and then she said she had had enough...
Rubiininpunainen - Ruby Red
malli / pattern: Cabernet Sauvignon Ravelryssa maksullinen ohje / in Ravelry, paid pattern
suunnittelija / designer: Monika Sirna
lanka / yarn: Wollmeise DK, Ruby Thursday
menekki / yardage: 2,28 vyyhtiä /skeins (465grammaa / 16.4oz)
puikot / needles: KnitPro Symfonie 4,5mm / US 7
koko / size: leveys 225cm x korkeus keskeltä 55cm / wingspan 88.6 inches, depth in the middle 21.7 inches
Pingotettuna - Blocking |
Kehruuopen homma noin 10-12 vuotiaille tytöille sujui hyvin, joten kiitos peukuttaneille. Pari tytöistä sai suht iisisti ideasta kiinni ja Vendela suosiollisesti avusti langan syntymisessä. Oli ihan kivaa ja mielenkiintoista taidelankaa syntyi monta metriä :D
Hyvää lauantai-iltaa ja lähden tästä saunaan ja sitten seuraavaa huivia neulomaan eteenpäin.
Teaching handspinning for about 10-12-year-olds went well, so thanks to those who had crossed their fingers for me last Monday. Couple of girls get the idea of making yarn easily and my Vendela was very helpful with yarn-making. We had awesome time together and they got yards of art-like yarn for them :D
Have a nice Saturday and I'm now going to sauna and then knit some more of next shawl.
On se komea! Et oo yhtään turhaan ylpiä! =)